“There is nothing like a dream to create the future.”
– Victor Hugo
Have a great idea for an app? We can help you turn it into a bona fide enterprise.
Maybe you’ve been watching your staff do things a certain way and then one day, Bam! it comes to you; you see a better way. They could be better, faster, more thorough, track better, enjoy their work more, help more customers, learn faster. Whatever it is, we can design and build a web app to help you accomplish your goals.
We are expert Stage One developers. We know the pieces, protocols, and procedures that you need to take your dream from inspiration to enterprise. We help refine the user experience as we prototype your app. We design your infrastructure, load test, security test, and then take you through launch and early stage growth.
How to Launch Your Very Own App4 Fantastic Reasons to Build a Web Application

The Countdown to Launching Your Brand New Web Application
Nurture the Idea
We help you conceive and refine your idea using the lenses of feasibility, user culture, marketability, and mission effectiveness. We "catch your inspiration."
Create the Strategy
We help you suss out and build a strategy that can flow into a business plan, whether you are aiming for a public market or an internal corporate market. Now you have a solid plan.
Map the App
We sketch out a virtual version of your app so you can mentally experience it end to end before committing to programming and design. Now you have a plan, and a map.
Lay the Foundation
We research, plan, and design the appropriate network and server infrastructure to deploy and maintain your app. We’ll launch it, maintain it, and scale it for you too. Now you have a foundation and a scaffolding for your new app.
Give It a Brand
It's time to consider how you would like to brand your app, if you haven't done so already. We can work with you to determine an effective name and a visual identity for your enterprise. The look and feel of the app's interface will be an extension of this overarching brand. Now you have chosen paint colors and you are ready to build.
Code the App
We make a pot of strong coffee, then our designers and programmers begin coding your app. We start with the public-facing page views, followed by your password-protected app management system. We integrate your app with a database and/or an API where we can store and manipulate data used by the app. We fully test any ecommerce components and payment gateways. Now it’s getting real.
Test It Thoroughly
We enter placeholder data to test the site, then subject each process in the newborn app to a full array of functional tests, security tests, load tests, and user tests. When everything passes, we remove the sample data and the Bright Bridge team gives each other crisp high fives.
Launch it!
We add some actual content, and/or some initial users to start the process. We connect your app to your domain name(s) and you’re in business. Time to grow your list of active users. It's also a good time to print those business cards.